        The lead instructor, Buddy Hihn endeavors to provide the safest, most exciting, and technically accurate adventure classes possible.   
Hi Ventures, Inc was founded in 1996 to provide adventure education to the community for the Baltimore County Board
of Education's community education program.    Buddy was recognized as the 1999 Outstanding Adult Educator for the Hereford Adult Education Center.   
Since that time, hundreds of youth and adults have participated in the training programs offered.    Boy Scout Troops and Venture Crews have repeatedly
taken advantage of these training programs.    Buddy has instructed and worked with youth for over thirty-five years starting at age
thirteen instructing introductory horseback riding at the Maryland Sports Academy.    Horseback riding instruction was provided
to children as young as five, adults, inner city youth and the handicapped.   
Below you will find a training resume.    From this resume you should be able ascertain that continued training is a high priority.   
The wealth of information and training is then taught to assistant instructors ensuring the highest level of competence possible.    Buddy is a
Scouter and Educator that brings years of experience and training on every adventure. His Volunteer Staff have been personally trained by him. These adventures
training sessions are designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in each field.
4/24/1993 | Community CPR | 3 | 3 | Red Cross | T. Johnson |
4/24/1993 | Community First Aid | 5 | 3 | Red Cross | R.G Gaker |
7/9/1994 | Basic Life Support | 3 | 3 | American Heart Assoc. | Brenner |
NA | Rock Climbing | 2cr,2gym,6 Rocks SP | 10 | HAEC | Maggie Herman |
NA | Rock Climbing | 2cr, 6 Rocks SP | 8 | HAEC | Ron Reisch |
NA | Caving | 2cr, 8 John Browns cave | 10 | HAEC | Ron Reisch |
8/16-17/1995 | Intermediate Rock Climbing | 2x8 | 16 | Seneca Rocks Climbing Sch. | Tony Barnes |
Jan-96 | Heart Saver | 3 | 3 | AHA | Diane Aschenbrenner |
6/11-13/1996 | Lead Climbing | 3x8 | 24 | Seneca Rocks Climbing Sch. | Tony Barnes |
4/11-12/1997 | Oreientation to Cave Rescue | 2x8 | 16 | NCRC-ER | John Chenger |
May-97 | Heart Saver | 3 | 3 | AHA | Jim Devers |
6/22/1998 | Heart Saver | 3 | 3 | AHA | Diane Aschenbrenner |
Jul-98 | Wilderness First Aid | 2x8 | 16 | WFA | Christopher Tate |
May-99 | Fall Protection | 8 | 24 | MFRI | L Yox, staff |
8/13/1999 | Lead Climbing | 8 | 8 | Seneca Rocks Climbing Sch. | Staff |
NA | Fall Protection | 3x8 | 24 | MFRI | L Yox, staff |
8/13-16/1999 | Team Member | 4x10 | 40 | NCRC-ER | Staff |
8/14-23/2000 | Team Member | 10x10 | 100 | NCRC-ER | Staff |
Nov-00 | Climb on Safely | 1 | 1 | BSA | Alex Heagey |
4/28-29/2001 | Wilderness First Aid | 2x8 | 16 | Towson University 16 | SOLO Charlie McCrave |
6-8-9/2001 | White Water safety/rescue | 2x8 | 16 | MCC / ACA | Richard Hopely |
6/12/2001 | Heart Saver | 2 | 2 | Hereford Ambulance Squad | Amy Anderson |
8/4-12/01 | Team Leader | 10x10 | 100 | NCRC-ER | Staff |
9/6-8/2001 | Fall Protection | 3x8 | 24 | MFRI | L Yox, staff |
2/25/2002 | Heart Saver | 3 | 3 | American Heart Assoc. | Virginia Link |
10/6/2002 | Climb on Safely | 1 | 1 | Climbing Committee | L Charpentier, J Ertel |
1/4-6/2002 | BSA Climbing Instructor | 8x2+4 | 20 | Climbing Committee | L Charpentier, J Ertel |
5/22-23/2004 | Wilderness First Aid | 2x8 | 16 | SOLO | Solo Staff, Bill Schrinel |
9/7-8/2004 | Fall Protection | 8+4 | 12 | MFRI | MFRI Staff, Lenny Yox, Ed Carter |
6/18-19/2006 | Swift Water Rescue | 2x10 | 20 | MCC | MCC Staff, Ron Ray, Bud Hihn |
10/13/2007 | CPR | 4 | 4 | HVAA/AHA | Scott Timberman EMT-B, IV, FORT |
01/21/2010 | Climb On Safely | 0.5 | 0.5 | My Scouting | CBT |
01/21/2010 | Weather Hazards | 0.5 | 0.5 | My Scouting | CBT |
01/17/2011 | Youth Protection | 0.5 | 0.5 | My Scouting | CBT |
06/28-29/2012 | NSS Convention | 40+ | 40+ | All Things Caving | NSS |
07/28/2012 | Climb On Safely | 0.5 | 0.5 | My Scouting | CBT |
07/28/2012 | Weather Hazards | 0.5 | 0.5 | My Scouting | CBT |
05/25-26/2013 | Wilderness First Aid with CPR and AED | 2x8 | 16 | Red Cross | Tom Willis |
06/1/2013 | Firearms Range Safety Officer | 8 | 8 | BCMSR | Jack Puge |
12/11/2013 | Youth Protection | 0.5 | 0.5 | My Scouting | CBT |
07/14-18/2013 | NSS Convention | 40+ | 40+ | All Things Caving | NSS |
9/11/2014 | Youth Protection | 0.5 | 0.5 | My Scouting | CBT |
| Total Training Hours | 603.0 | | |
        Buddy also has a wide range of interests that will make your experience unique.   
Some of these interests are photography, backpacking, geology, primative technologies (aboriginal skills), white water canoeing and kayaking.    Adventrues have included backpacking in the Seirra Nevada Mountains, Inyo White Mountains, Apalachian trail, rock climbing where ever possible and caving in Jamaica.   
Club memberships include the National Speological Society, Eastern Region-National Cave Rescue Commision, Boy Scouts of America, Greater Baltimore Canoe Club, Monocacy Canoe Club.   
And has also served as a member of the BSA Baltimore Area Council Climbing Committee where he became a qualified BSA Climbing Instructor.
Buddy side surfing,
Gunpowder Gorge
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